Café Aromas is a chance to give students a breather, literally. It combines pure oxygen with elements of aromatherapy for an uplifting, energetic, refreshing and positive experience. Café Aromas is a really great place where students can come to have fun and actually do something good for themselves.
Oxygen is one of the five basic elements of all life. It is a vital element to good health and is our primary source of energy. In fact 90% of our energy comes from oxygen. The oxygen produced in Café Aromas contains 4-to-5 times the amount of oxygen found in normal air. The effect leaves students feeling alert, refreshed, full of energy and with a general good feeling.
Athletes know that oxygen increases their performance, endurance, and energy level. Students need this same boost to increase their mental alertness and productivity. Oxygen also provides a natural remedy for headaches, migraines and even hangovers.
Oxygen therapy has many benefits and few risks for the average person. Students may not notice any difference when sitting at their table, however, as they the leave the Café area they will notice they have more energy and feel better.
Program Description:
Students are escorted to their table where they view a menu of the aromatherapy scents. They are shown how to put on their cannula (nose hose) which is theirs to keep as a souvenir. Next pure oxygen is infused with the aromatherapy scent of their choosing and the combination is streamed through their nose hose. The instructions are simple...breathe normally for the duration of the session. With more than a dozen aromatherapy scents to choose from, students can literally fit the aroma scent to the mood they wish to achieve.
Party Train Entertainment is committed to providing quality entertainment at a fair and affordable price for large universities and small community colleges alike