School Spirit Street Signs – Authentic METAL Street Signs in Your School Colors
Have you ever seen your name on a corner street sign and thought “I'd like to have that sign”? You may have even looked around to see if anyone was watching you as you thought about how you could get that street sign down from that corner pole. Well now you can have that coveted street sign without the fear of getting in trouble!!
Program Description:
The hosting organization chooses a color for the street sign (one school color) and a color for the vinyl lettering (other school color)
Or they can choose authentic green signs with white letters.
Students tell us what they want their sign to say (their name, nickname, favorite team, favorite saying, etc.)
Program Time - 3, 4, 5 hours
Program Location - Indoors (Preferred) or Outdoors (under a tent)
Space Requirement - 20' x 20' area
Power Requirement - 1 20 Amp Circuit
5 - Six or Eight Foot Tables
1 - Trash Receptacle
4 - Student Assistants
Street Signs are Sold in Sets of 150, 175, 200, 225, etc.
Party Train Entertainment is committed to providing quality entertainment at a fair and affordable price for large universities and small community colleges alike